Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CW/HW August 31 (A-day) and September 1 (B-day)



Format: two-column note chart

What is the most significant moment?/Why is it significant?

Writing seeds that can be used to begin/develop your SIGNIFICANT MOMENT explanation f

It helps to drive the plot by…
It deepens our understanding of a character…
It emphasizes a major idea or theme in this selection…
It signals a turning point or coming-of age moment….
It underscores a central conflict in the selection…
It deepens the reader’s understanding of the setting,

PRACTICE DL STRUCTURES “Smart Cookie” page 705/Trios and Quads (Open notebook/Ask teacher for help GROUP quiz)

Class work
Complete DL Exercises (Level 1, 2, and 3 of DL Video Game):

What is Happening Here? (PLOT/ACTION)

What do I know about the characters? How do I know? (CHARACTERIZATION)
(Use two-column note chart to record details.) Write three expressed observations and three implied/inferred observations on your chart

SIGNIFICANT MOMENT two-column chart
Identify the most significant moment, event, or piece of dialogue presented in this selection.

Explain why it is significant

Use a two column note chart to record your significant moment and your explanation. Use a significant moment writing seed to begin your explanation.
(See today's significant moment notes for writing seeds)

HW Collected TODAY: Gist Exercises for "Papa...
HW Assigned tonight--Significant Moment Paragraph (B-dayPds. 1 and 2--"Smart Cookie"
Significant Moment Paragraph (B-day Pd. 3)--"Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes"
ANNOUNCED TODAY: Notebook check on Thursday

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