Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We continue to work on the Personal Challenge Culminating Project/Five-paragraph essay. Today worked with peers to review and refine our introductory paragraph. We then discussed elements required in each of the three body paragraphs. Students read a model, five-paragraph essay, focusing on a clear statement of each subtopic idea and three specific examples to support each subtopic idea. We discussed elaboration and the need to use sensory details to help the reader visualize. We noted examples of the writer's use of sensory and descriptive language that helps the reading audience see, smell, taste, feel, and hear what the writer is experiencing. We discussed stylistic devices that must be included as required by the culminating project guidelines.

You have notes, examples, and graphic organizers to help you review every step of the essay process filed in the HOMEWORK section of your notebook. If you are unclear about anything I have written here, please review these notes and models. They are designed to assist you, but they will only help if you USE THEM!

On Monday, you will return to class with a draft that includes your introductory paragraph and your three body paragraphs. Make sure you use the draft format directions that appeared in the last homework blog. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Remember, this project will be graded as an assessment. Do your very best.

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