Thursday, October 14, 2010

A-Day Homework/Pds. 1-A and 3- A Assigned on 10/14/2010 Due on Tuesday, 10/19

“Marigolds” (If you attended class, you have this handout in the HW section of your notebook.)
Reading Chunk I (pp 74-79)
CW DUE TODAY(HW if your do not finish in class.)
Reread pp 74-79 and prepare written responses for the following questions:

1. Write a detailed description of the story’s setting. Include details specific to the time and place of action.
2. What is a shantytown?
3. The protagonist uses figurative and sensory language that includes similes, metaphors, vivid verbs and descriptive adjectives to paint a picture of the landscape that colored her childhood... Record three negative images that she associates with this landscape and one positive image.
4. The event that set in motion an extreme economic downturn called the Great Depression occurred in _____ (year) when __________________ (exacerbating event) (p. 74)
5. List five effects of the Great Depression. (see page 74)
6. Which character is telling the story? (character name)
7. What point of view is Eugenia Collier employing? (See notes in Reference Section of notebook)
8. The author uses flashback to recount a series of events that stand out in the protagonist’s childhood. Record two sentences that support the author’s use of flashback. Reference your page numbers for each. (Text Support)
9. Consider the story title. Record three sentences in the first reading chunk that foreshadow (provide hints or clues) of an upcoming significant moment involving the marigolds.
10. Identify expressed and inferred challenges impacting the protagonist’s family.
11. Identify expressed and inferred challenges impacting Ms. Lottie.
12. Identify expressed and inferred challenges impacting John Burke.
13. Read the description of Ms. Lottie’s house. Use the details included in the story, and draw a picture of this character’s home on a separate piece of paper.
14. Provide text support for the following inferences:
Include specific quotations from the text and related page numbers.
• Lizabeth is bored
• Lizabeth is restless
• Lizabeth is feeling the conflicted emotions of adolescence
• Lizabeth senses that she is trapped by poverty
• Lizabeth doubts that the ideals embedded in the American dream are available to her
• African Americans suffer the devastating effects of institutionalized racism
• Ms. Lottie has great inner strength
• Lizabeth’s family is struggling to survive
• The children are raising themselves

15. Record definitions for the Words to Know List on page 74.
16. Complete the Vocabulary in Action exercise on page 86. Please write the paragraph, inserting and highlighting the appropriate vocabulary word.

INDEPENDENT READING PROJECTS:PERIOD 1-A: Your independent reading projects are due on Tuesday, the 19th of Oct.

PERIODS 2-A and 3-A: If you have not submitted, your project is late. Those students who submit on Tuesday (2 class periods late) will be assessed at the 79% mark.

Students who submit on Thursday (3 class periods late) will begin at the 69% mark.

Independent Reading Projects WILL NOT be accepted after Thursday, October 21.

SCARLET IBIS VOCABULARY QUIZAll A-day Classes: Many of you did not pass the Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary Quiz. For those classes who completed the quiz and were not successful, you will have a second opportunity on Tuesday. This applies to ONLY those students who study and prepare. Those who do not study will maintain the grade they earned the first time around

Some A-day classes have not yet taken the Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary Quiz due to the Guidance Orientation. Your quiz will be given on Tuesday, the day you return. Please be prepared for this quiz. Study!

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